Parental leave 101: How to maximise your time off for new parents 

Parental Leave

Hey there, new parents-to-be! 🍼 Excited about the upcoming arrival of your little bundle of joy? Well, get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions and sleepless nights because parenthood is about to hit you like a ton of bricks! But hey, amidst all the thrills and nappy changes, there's one thing you've got to make the most of – parental leave. Yep, that golden period where you get to bond with your newborn and maybe catch a few extra z's (if you're lucky). So, how do you make the most of this precious time off work? Stick around to know how to ace your parental leave game and ensure a smooth transition back to the 9-to-5 grind. 

Plan your leave

Plan your leave ahead of time 

It's all about getting ahead of the game. Have a chat with your boss early on about how long you'll be away and if there's any wiggle room for flexibility. Maybe you're keen on a phased return or working part-time for a bit? Chatting it out early can make the transition into and out of parental leave a breeze. Plus, it'll give you peace of mind knowing everything's sorted before the little one arrives. 

Time to crunch those numbers

Time to crunch those numbers 

With parental leave comes a bit of a squeeze on the wallet, so it's smart to plan ahead. Sit down with your partner and hash out a budget that covers the time you'll be away from work. Factor in all your usual expenses, plus any new bub-related costs that might pop up. It's all about staying ahead of the game and avoiding any unnecessary stress while you're soaking up those precious newborn snuggles. 

Keep a foot in the door at work

Keep a foot in the door at work  

Alright, mate, we get it - baby's top priority now, but staying somewhat in the loop with work can be handy too. Consider touching base with your boss or team every now and then, even if it's just for a quick catch-up over coffee or a virtual chat. Staying in the loop about what's happening at work can make your eventual return a whole lot smoother. Plus, it's a good way to remind everyone that you're still part of the team, even if you're knee-deep in dirty nappies for the time being.

Stand up for yourself when you head back to work

Stand up for yourself when you head back to work 

Returning to work after parental leave can sometimes feel like jumping into a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities. According to Prue Gilbert, CEO of parental leave consultancy Grace Papers, many women find themselves swamped with leftover tasks that no one else had time to handle while they were away. This rings true for many new parents, especially mothers. That's why it's crucial to have an open chat with your manager about your career ambitions and aspirations when you're back on the job.

Prue Gilbert, CEO of parental leave consultancy Grace Papers 

Securing your family’s future with life insurance 

Securing your family’s future with life insurance 

Life insurance often flies under the radar when new parents start planning their finances. But it's a crucial step in securing your family's financial future, especially with a little one in the picture. Take a moment to think about what would happen if something unexpected were to occur. Would your family be financially protected? 

Parental leave isn't just a timeout from the office; it's a time for growth and bonding with your new addition. By being proactive, staying connected with your workplace, and considering measures like life insurance, you're setting yourself up for peace of mind during this transition. 

Need some guidance? Chat with your financial adviser. They can help tailor a life insurance policy to your evolving needs, ensuring that your growing family is always financially supported, rain or shine. 


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