Probiotics, gut health, and the link to your mental health and insurability

Probiotics, gut health, and the link to your mental health and insurability

Have you heard about the connection between your guts and your brain? It's legit! Turns out, taking care of your gut health can benefit your mental health too. At Skye, we understand the importance of protecting what matters most, and that includes your physical and mental health. But did you know that taking care of your gut health can impact your mental well-being and, in turn, affect your insurability?

If you've got a history of mental illness, your insurance application might not exactly be a walk in the park. Different insurers offer different options, and they'll be looking at a bunch of factors to decide whether or not to accept your application.

Here's what they'll be considering: how serious your condition is, whether it's affecting your ability to work and live your best life, how well you've responded to any treatment you've had, and whether you're still experiencing any symptoms.

The gut-brain connection: Why your gut health affects your mental health

The gut-brain connection: Why your gut health affects your mental health

The gut is complex; while it’s commonly known as our digestive system, science recognises that its function expands beyond processing food—it's a communicator! Yep, it chit-chats with your brain and nervous system through hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune system. But here's the catch—when your gut's not doing well, those signals get mucked up, leading to changes in mood and possibly anxiety and depression. So, looks like taking care of your gut can impact both your physical AND mental health. One way to do that? That's where probiotics come in. They're like the secret agents of gut happiness.

Meet probiotics: Your gut's secret agents for better health

Meet probiotics: Your gut's secret agents for better health

You know those ‘friendly’ bacteria called probiotics? They’re like the good guys that hang out in your gut, helping to keep your digestive system running smoothly. Your body is already playing host to a ton of bacteria (don’t worry, most of them are chill), but adding some extra probiotics to the mix can bring some big benefits.

You might just find that you experience better digestion and a stronger immune system after loading up on these helpful little guys. Plus, they may even help you lose weight, get clearer skin, and avoid nasty illnesses. Oh, and did we mention they can help fight the dreaded irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, constipation, and other gut issues?

How to add probiotics to your diet

How to add probiotics to your diet

Wanna get those guts in check? Well, you can score some probiotics through food or supplements. Get your fill of fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut for a natural source of those good bacteria. Just take it easy, don't go downing Kangaroo-size servings all at once. Gradually increase your probiotics intake and keep a diary of any changes like less fatigue, better skin, and all that.

If that's not enough for you, get some probiotic supplements—there are heaps of types to choose from. But hold up! Before you start chugging down any supplements or making big diet changes, best to talk to your GP or health professional. Better safe than sorry, right?

Whether you're starting a family, getting into debt, or have had a health event in your personal network, Skye is here to provide simple and affordable advice and help you protect what matters most, including your mental health.

And go ahead, chow down on some probiotic-rich foods and spread the love to your gut bacteria!

Any advice is general in nature only and has been prepared without considering your needs, objectives, or financial situation. So, before you go making any moves based on it, have a squiz and figure out if it's actually the right fit for you. No worries!


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