Chill out with mindfulness
Ever wondered about the buzz surrounding mindfulness? In this blog, we're breaking down the mindfulness basics and giving you a guide to getting started.
Keeping your sanity: Parenting and mental wellbeing
Recently joined the parent club? I hear you. Becoming a parent is one heck of a ride, full of twists and turns that can challenge your mental health. For those who've given birth, it involves managing the physical strains that come with childbirth and breastfeeding. And for all parents, it's about tackling sleep deprivation, sensory overload, relationship stresses, and a newfound scarcity of free time. The truth is, depression and anxiety often accompany this journey, affecting up to 1 in 5 mothers and 1 in 10 fathers.
Holiday stress? Say no to end of year burnout
As the festive bells ring and the year winds down, do you find yourself more frazzled than festive? You're not alone. The holiday season, while filled with cheer, often brings its own set of mental challenges, including heightened anxiety and stress. It's a time when work pressures from the past year collide head-on with a whirlwind of social commitments, leaving many of us feeling more overwhelmed than overjoyed.
Sun’s out, myths out: Busting skin cancer beliefs and what you need to know to protect yourself
Oh hey, it's that time of the year when the sun's shining brighter, the days are stretching longer, and our spirits are soaring – hello, summertime! But as we're soaking up the good vibes, let's not forget something super important: the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays are also cranking up. Almost every case of skin cancer is linked to these sneaky UV rays, so playing it smart with sun protection is your golden ticket to reducing your risk.
Health Spotlight: Breast Cancer
Hey there, it's October, and you know what that means? It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the time of year when we all come together to shine a light on how breast cancer affects our community.
Health Spotlight: Mental Health
Today, we're diving into a topic that's close to our hearts: mental health. It's a subject that affects us all, whether directly or through our friends and family, so let’s delve deeper into this mental health journey and equip ourselves with the knowledge we need. After all, mental health is something we all have, and it’s high time we give it the attention it deserves.
Health spotlight: Bone health
It's time to give our bones a little extra love and attention. In this blog post, we're shining a spotlight on bone health. It might not be something you think about every day, but taking care of your bones now can set you up for a strong and fracture-resistant future.
Shining a light on heart disease: How to keep your heart healthy
Heart disease is a big deal in Australia—it's a term that includes various heart, stroke, and blood vessel conditions. The most common types include coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, (and there are some real tongue twisters in the mix like) cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, and peripheral arterial disease. Yep, big fancy words.
Probiotics, gut health, and the link to your mental health and insurability
Have you heard about the connection between your guts and your brain? It's legit! Turns out, taking care of your gut health can benefit your mental health too. At Skye, we understand the importance of protecting what matters most, and that includes your physical and mental health. But did you know that taking care of your gut health can impact your mental well-being and, in turn, affect your insurability?