trauma Chryssta Cordoves trauma Chryssta Cordoves

Why you need trauma insurance

Aussies are a tough bunch. We like to think of ourselves as being able to handle anything that comes our way. But the truth is, sometimes life throws us a curveball—which brings me to this next point about trauma insurance.

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Insurance 101: Everything you need to know about life insurance

What exactly does "life insurance" entail anyway? Let’s get down to business as I try to explain the basics of what it is, how it works, the different types of policies available, and some of the frequently asked questions about it.

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life insurance, total & permanent disability Chryssta Cordoves life insurance, total & permanent disability Chryssta Cordoves

Real reasons to get Life Insurance while you're still young

Even thinking about it makes our heads hurt. But the truth is, no one is invincible. So while we may not like to think about it, bad things can happen to anyone at any time. And I get why you don't have the headspace right now for your own mortality. But the thing is, life insurance is not just money for when you die. So hear me out.

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income protection Phil Thompson income protection Phil Thompson

Four upcoming income protection changes you should know about

Current income protection products are generous, and as a result, insurance companies are losing money. APRA (The insurance regulator) has stepped in to create rules to make insurance policies taken out after 1 October 2021 more sustainable. This means that insurance policies taken out before 1 October 2021 are likely to be better quality policies than covers taken out after the changes.

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