Total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance: What to know
Total and Permanent Disability insurance, lovingly known as TPD Insurance, isn't just jargon. It can be the safety net and your backup plan you never knew you needed. Let's dive into what TPD Insurance really is and why it's something worth considering.
What do Australians most often claim on life insurance?
We've all had those thoughts about whether our life insurance will actually come through when we need it most, right? So we're here to clear the air and give you the real deal on how life insurance claims pan out. You might have come across the idea that insurance companies are a bit tight-fisted when it comes to paying up. But let's get down to business and take a look at the cold, hard claims data. It's time to separate fact from fiction and find out what's really happening with life insurance claims here in Australia.
Nominating your life insurance beneficiary
See, when the chips are down, life insurance pays out a lump of cash to those you hold dear. It's like a helping hand from beyond the pearly gates, giving your folks the means to take care of debts and day-to-day costs. And choosing the person who gets your life insurance payout is a decision worth giving a good thinking-over. This simple guide covers the ins and outs of nominating a beneficiary, who can be nominated, and other aspects worth considering. Stick around as we chew the fat on this significant choice.
How to read a financial product disclosure statement (PDS)
Hey, before you buy any financial product, it's super important to check out the product disclosure statement (PDS). I mean, it’s good to know what you're signing up for right? A PDS is like a guidebook that tells you all the important deets about the product so you can make an informed decision. The PDS usually covers all the essential elements of the product, so take the time to go through it carefully.
Life insurance underwriting explained
Before we dive into the world of insurance, there's this little thing called "underwriting" that you should know about.
When you apply for life insurance, the insurer needs to figure out how much of a risk you are to them. Fair enough! They do this by taking a squiz at some personal stuff like your health, lifestyle, and what you do for a living. It's all part of the underwriting process, which is just a fancy way of saying they're assessing the risk they're taking by covering you.
Why inflation is messing with your life insurance - and how to keep it under control
You know what's worse than running out of Vegemite? Inflation. Yeah, it's when the price of things keeps skyrocketing, and your money loses its value faster than a souped-up Holden on the freeway. And guess what? It's currently at its highest level since the 80s. So, be prepared to pay more for stuff in the future—like a fancy coffee that'll cost you a kidney.
Speaking of the future, if you've got life insurance, the amount of cover you have now may not cut it down the track. So how do you make sure your policy keeps up with inflation? Read on...
Can I claim tax deductions on life insurance premiums?
Get ready to dust off those abacus skills, because tax time is on its way! But before you go into full panic mode, let me clue you in on a little secret: you might be able to claim a tax deduction on your insurance premiums. Let's find out when you might be eligible for a tax deduction on insurance premiums and when tax deductions don’t apply. So put down that calculator and let's get started!
Income protection insurance to age 65: Why short-term solutions aren't enough
Does life insurance feel like you're submerged in a sea of options? Well, we're here to throw you a life jacket and make it all easier. We're putting the spotlight on income protection insurance—more specifically, a benefit period up to age 65—as opposed to the 2 or 5-year benefit period your super fund might be offering. We'll explain why we believe a benefit period to age 65 is the bee's knees when it comes to protecting what matters most to you.
Skye Wealth’s licensee changes and what they mean for you
At Skye Wealth, we strive to provide the best financial planning advice to our clients. We're excited to announce that we've recently changed our licensee from Synchron to become self-licensed! We understand that you may have some questions about what this change means for you. So we've compiled some questions we've received about our licensee change:
Unlock your dreams: Achieve home ownership with confidence through personal insurance & home loans
Are you looking to take your first steps on the property ladder? Do you dream of owning a home but feel overwhelmed by all the loans options and paperwork involved in making it happen? Don't worry—we've been there too!
Is trauma cover the same as income protection?
Ever thought about what would happen if you got sick and couldn't clock in at work? How would you pay your bills? And let's say it's not just a little flu, but a serious, life-changing illness. Would you be able to cover the medical expenses?
A tale of three policies: Why selecting insurance through super or direct from insurer is not always a good idea
Having adequate personal insurances is one of the keys to building strong financial foundations. Often when you hear people talk about personal insurance (think life or income protection insurance), they’ll say that it seems much cheaper to go through their super fund or directly to the insurance company, as opposed to engaging the assistance a financial adviser.
Young Families and Life Insurance: What You Need to Know
When you're fresh on the scene and still growing, it can be tricky setting yourself up to keep your family financially safe—but hey, that's what mums and dads are for right? With a bit of know-how from us, we'll explore how life insurance has got your back (literally!). In this article, we'll look at why every young family should consider getting some type of cover plus how to decide which one is right for you (without all the stuffy jargon). And lastly, let’s bust any myths surrounding life cover so there won't be any shocking surprises down the track!
What you need to know about duty to take reasonable care
Facts about your health disclosures when applying for personal insurance
What are the most common claims for income protection?
Let's face it, claiming on insurance can be a pretty daunting thought. But having income protection in your back pocket gives you that extra bit of security when life throws something unexpected at you. It pays to know you've got some cover if things take an unexpected turn, and that's when income protection can be a lifesaver.
What are exclusions and loadings on life insurance policies?
If you’ve ever applied for life or income protection cover and had rude shock of being told you’ll have an exclusion or loading and asked yourself, what the heck are exclusions and loadings, and why do I have them? Here's a quick rundown.
Why you need trauma insurance
Aussies are a tough bunch. We like to think of ourselves as being able to handle anything that comes our way. But the truth is, sometimes life throws us a curveball—which brings me to this next point about trauma insurance.
Insurance 101: Everything you need to know about life insurance
What exactly does "life insurance" entail anyway? Let’s get down to business as I try to explain the basics of what it is, how it works, the different types of policies available, and some of the frequently asked questions about it.
Insurance refresher: When do you need to update your policies? (and when to get one)
One of the best things about life is that it's always changing. You might buy a new car, get married, or have children. As your life changes, so do your personal insurance needs.
Real reasons to get Life Insurance while you're still young
Even thinking about it makes our heads hurt. But the truth is, no one is invincible. So while we may not like to think about it, bad things can happen to anyone at any time. And I get why you don't have the headspace right now for your own mortality. But the thing is, life insurance is not just money for when you die. So hear me out.